Friday, May 27, 2011

May 27. The first day at all.:)

At 10:30, we met at the Vienna Main Train Station!...

On the first they we reached the camp in the National park Gesäuse. We stay in a cottage, it looks good.:P

The weather isn’t very nice, but we’re having fun.

First we played a “getting to know each other” game. We had to bring a cultural object, which describes us. Then we exchanged them. Then everybody had to tell the story of the exchanged object. In this way we all got to know each other, and found out some personal information about us.

The next activity was the water ceremony. Everybody had to bring water from the nearest river\spring from the place they live. After all we mixed all the water and wished something good for the camp.

In the end of the APV everybody will take from the mixed water and bring it home.

We had lunch bio-sandwiches. Then we took a walk to a caffeteria and started planning the camp.

We stayed there for hours discussing and sharing our ideas, expectations and fears.

We got very tired, so we drunk a caffe. It really helped energizing us…

In the end of the evening we came back to the cottage and made the dinner.

We all got wet on the road, so we had to change our clothes. It was a funny day.

See you soon…

-Alessandra (Bulgaria)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

APV: First things first!

The first thing we needed to do was have an "Advanced Planning Visit!" So, we found a date when we could all meet and reserved a place to stay in the National Park Gesäuse, where the camp will take place.

Then, each partner selected 1 youth to accompany them to the APV. They also gather ideas from the other youth who couldn't come to the APV so that their voices were also represented!

We will meet on May 27-29 in Gstatterboden Campground.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Disclaimer: EU Funding

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [Webblog] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

It's happening!

In Winter 2010, we started looking for interested partners in Eastern Europe who would like to work with us (WWF-Austria) on an Youth in Action (Action 1.2 youth exchange) project to develop an international youth summer camp in July 2011. We found 3 great partners in Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria, and together, we developed a project proposal and sent it in to the National Agency in Vienna in February 2011.

We waited...and waited...

and then in mid-April, I got the phone call! "Your applciation was accepted!" cool...and what that it began. The planning for our 1st meeting in May 27-29, 2011 and then later the camp in July 10-19.